National Content: United Kingdom

Britain and Europe’s Market: Free Trade Safeguards

SourceThe Times, November 18th 1957
Event referred to25th November 1957: Birth of EEC
Technological characteristicsText file from scanned document
Description of the sourceNewspaper article in English. Accessed through library microfiche archive. Copyright remains with The Times.
Contextualisation of the sourceThis article appeared in the days before the birth of the EEC on 25th November 1957 in the Times. The latter is regarded as a conservative newspaper.
Interpretation of the sourceThis source highlights the concerns of British industry for safeguards for them before Britain joins the EEC, formed by 6 nations through the Treaty of Rome. The article raises questions as to the market available for British industry and whether or not Britain can afford to be a disadvantage in this market. The article has a cautious approach to the common market and the EEC, whilst seeing the benefits of it.
Original Contents
Original Contents (English Translation)