National Content: Poland

In search of information I managed to find 4 sources from two daily papers published those days: “Trybuna Ludu” and ”¯ycie Warszawy”. Jerzy Kowalewski, the author of the two articles published in “Trybuna Ludu”, presented two threats connected with the integration of 6 European countries as the result of the division in Europe into two competitive parts. Kowalewski also underlined the difficulties existing among the members of EWG which were obliged to reject national concern to establish an agreement in EWG. The articles in “¯ycie Warszawy” highlighted the difficulties that the members of EWG were coping with to achieve an agreement. Further articles published in ‘¯ycie Warszawy” analyzed the situation of the Great Britain which preferred to create a free trade zone, consisting of all OEEC countries, rather than join the common market of western countries. It would allow them to retain economical freedom.