National Content: Italy

The deputies of sixth nations in Rome for the birth of the unified Europe

SourceFront page of ”La Nazione”, March 25th, 1957
Event referred toMarch 25th, 1957: Birth of the CEE
Technological characteristicsType of file: Article of a newspaper
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Dimension: 656 kb
Accessibility proposal: Downloadable
Description of the sourceSource type: Front page of a daily newspaper
Source origin: “Augusta” town library of Perugia
Language: Italian
Copyright: Full availability
Contextualisation of the sourceThis file contains the front page of the Italian daily newspaper “La Nazione”, printed in Firenze. Italy in that period was coming out of the War economically devastate, and this economic agreements with the other European partners appears like a great occasion of going up again.
Interpretation of the sourceThe subscribing of the EEC agreements appears like a great occasion for Italy, and the journal, pointing up Italian political relations, describes the ceremony and the promises of these agreements, responsible at the idea of economical and political Liberty. In the same article otherwise there is a summary of a conversation of Fanfani (leader of the Christina Democratic side) about internal policy.
Original ContentsL’autore dell’articolo salute con soddisfazione il primo atto concreto nel lungo processo di costruzione dell’Europa unità: la firma dei Trattati di Roma, che sancirono il Mercato Comune Europeo e l’Euratom, siglati dai sei Paesi fondatori: Italia, Francia, Germania Occidentale, Belgio, Olanda e Lussemburgo. Una particolare rilevanza viene data al ruolo importante svolto dal partito politico di maggioranza in Italia, la Democrazia Cristiana, e dal suo leader Amintore Fanfani. Il mondo politico italiano, e la parte più attenta e consapevole dell’opinione pubblica, vedono nella nascita dell’Europa unificata un’opportunità di risolvere i gravi problemi del rilancio economico del Paese e del consolidamento dell’ancora giovane sistema politico democratico.
Original Contents (English Translation)With satisfaction, the author greets the first act of the long construction of a united Europe: the signing of the Rome treaties, that establish the European Common Market (EEC), and the collaboration for the European research on atomic energy (EURATOM), signed by the six founding nations, Italy, France, West Germany, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxemburg. Special importance is given to the positive role of the majority party in Italy (Christian Democrats), and to its representative Fanfani. Italian politicians and the most attentive public opinion see in the birth of the unified Europe an opportunity of resolving the hard problems of the economical re-launching of the country, and of the consolidation of the recent democratic political system.