National Content: Italy

National Newspapers
“Corriere della Sera” front page on April 30th, 1986: nuclear fear over Europe, accuses moved to the scarse and inadequate security measures in Russia. “L’Unita’” front page on April 30th: the biggest accident in the nuclear era. Russia asks for help, disaster, catastrophe. Number of victims is uncertain. “La Repubblica” front page April 30th. The most serious nuclear disaster in history. Preoccupation, atomic alarm, scientists consult each other frantically.
National magazine.
“L’Espresso”, weekly magazine. May 11th 1986. Environmental disaster. Panic in Wall Street. Threatening atomic cloud. May 18th. The environmentalists manifest to stop the construction of plants in centre and northern Italy. Controversies within the parties. The communist party is divided. Suggestions of a referendum. Teachings of Chernobyl. Italian weaknesses and incompetence in the nuclear matter.
Photos from websites.
A dramatic image of sick children, an image of the plant before and after the explosion . Two images of the decontamination job in urban areas. Three images of the passing of the toxic cloud over other European countries.
TV News.
Rai Channel, April 26, 1986. Unsetteling news regarding the spreading of the toxic cloud in Sweden, Finland and Norway. Impossibility of verifying the news. Analogy with a previous accident in the USA, deep differences regarding the lacking security in the soviet plant.