National Content: Germany

Europa mit großem "E"
Europe with i big "E"

The text on the frontpage of the newspaper is a very sceptical comment about the fallout of the new contratcs. The commentator is very sceptical and is afraid of more negative than positiv outcomes. He is afraid that the conciliation bewteen the German and the French people will become more difficult because the countreis will come in a difficult competitive situation. He has the opinion that the economical disadvantages can not be compensated by political advantges. We warns that the Union of the 6 countries may not become a Union of 17 countries.

Feierliche Unterzeichnung der Verträge von Rom<br>
Solemn signing of the contracts in Rome

Feierliche Unterzeichnung der Verträge von Rom
Solemn signing of the contracts in Rome

The report tells in positive words about the siging of the contacts in Rome. The writer describes the result as a very poitive one for Germany and thanks the Belgium politician Spaak for the great work he has done.
A special postivie remark is made about the situation of the isolated and divided city of Berlin and the interest of East Germany. The French minister of foreign affairs is quotated with the phrase that the signing of these contracts woild be the first step from a small to a big Europe.

Euratom und Zollunion in Rom unterzeichnet <br>
Euratom and Customs Union signed in Rome <br>

Euratom und Zollunion in Rom unterzeichnet
Euratom and Customs Union signed in Rome

The source reports in a positive and optimistic way the signing of the contracts of Rome.