National Content: Germany

Europa mit großem "E"
Europe with i big "E"

SourceDie Deutsche Zukunft
Politische Wochenzeitung
The German Future
Political weekly newspaper
Event referred toBirth of the EEC
Technological characteristicsPDF Document
Description of the sourceThe text on the frontpage of the newspaper is a very sceptical comment about the fallout of the new contratcs. The commentator is very sceptical and is afraid of more negative than positiv outcomes. He is afraid that the conciliation bewteen the German and the French people will become more difficult because the countreis will come in a difficult competitive situation. He has the opinion that the economical disadvantages can not be compensated by political advantges. We warns that the Union of the 6 countries may not become a Union of 17 countries.
Contextualisation of the sourceThe comment shows the big scepticism which was shared by a part of the German people in that time.
Interpretation of the sourceOne of the reasons for the scepticism was the fear that the orientation to the west might be a big hinder for a German re-unification.
Original ContentsRead the text.
Original Contents (English Translation)The text on the frontpage of the newspaper is a very sceptical comment about the fallout of the new contratcs. The commentator is very sceptical and is afraid of more negative than positiv outcomes. He is afraid that the conciliation bewteen the German and the French people will become more difficult because the countreis will come in a difficult competitive situation. He has the opinion that the economical disadvantages can not be compensated by political advantges. We warns that the Union of the 6 countries may not become a Union of 17 countries.