National Content: Germany

Churchill's pladoyer for a United Europe

SourceGerman Television
Event referred to25th of March 1957: Birth of the EEC
Technological characteristicsmpg4 movie 0:21 min
Description of the sourceIn the years after the war there were very different ideas how to overcome the wounds of the war. Many European poiticians -among them the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill- had big visions and demanded to unify all states of western Europe to one singel state.
Contextualisation of the sourceChurchill speaks in Septmber 1946 in the University of Zurich/Switzerland. In his speech he makes proposals to form the "United States of Europe".
Interpretation of the sourceThe start of the cold war and the continued mistrust against Germany hindered Churchil's ideas to become reality. Therefore the much more modest ideas of French Minister of foreign aiffairs Robert Schumann and of Jean Monnet allowed the first steps towards a European integration.
Original ContentsQuotation of Chruchil's speech: "Our goal cannot be somehting minor the unification of Europe. And we look with hope into the future un til we reach that goal."
Original Contents (English Translation)Listen to the movie