National Content: United Kingdom

‘Rocket Skill Proved at Stalingrad’

SourceThe Times, 13th April 1961
Event referred to12th April 1961: Yuri Gagarin – First Man in Space
Technological characteristicsText file, scanned into computer
Description of the sourceText file from scanned image
Contextualisation of the sourceNewspaper article from the Times, from mirofiche held in library with copyright residing with the Times newspaper. English language. Times regarded as a conservative newspaper.
Interpretation of the sourceThis article provides good background information on Russia’s space exploration, making reference to their use of rocket technology, the sending into space of a dog and the changes which took place to allow Yuri Gagarin to be sent into space. No direct reference is made to the event which took place. The article is quiet bland in terms of opinion and does not really voice an opinion, preferring to just give the facts. This may be a reflection of the attitude towards Russia during the Cold War and the propensity to play down Russian success stories. However, the reference to the tribute paid to the Russians in the speech by the permanent representative of the USA to the United Nations whilst at first seeming to be an attempt to genuinely recognise the importance of the space event, can also be regarded as an attempt to make a political statement. The reasons behind the inclusion of this statement which goes on to suggest that Russia should try to ‘bring the UN back alive’ need to be questioned. The USA appears to be trying to use the event to make a political point and the publication of this, together with a very factual report, could be viewed as an attempt to play down the importance of the event as it was carried out by the Cold War enemy of the US and Britain.
Original Contents
Original Contents (English Translation)