National Content: United Kingdom

“Space Man not Troubled by Weightlessness”

SourceThe Times, 14th April 1961
Event referred to12th April 1961: Yuri Gagarin – First Man in Space
Technological characteristicsText file, scanned into computer
Description of the sourceNewspaper article from library microfiche archive.
Contextualisation of the sourceNewspaper article from the Times, from mirofiche held in library with copyright residing with the Times newspaper. English language. Times regarded as a conservative newspaper.
Interpretation of the sourceThis source provides a report of an interview by Yuri Gagarin, given in Moscow, in which he describes the experience of being in space. Throughout the report there is the impression that Gagarin is a good communist, dedicating the event to the Communist Party and remarking that he never felt alone as he knew the ‘whole Soviet Union’ was with him. Gagarin goes on to welcome further space exploration by America but the idea of a space race is hinted at with him declaring that America will have to keep up with Russia. In presenting this article, again a very factual account of events, quite restrained in tone, it suggests a detachment from the event of Britain, whilst accepting that there is some importance. It recognises the event as nationally important to Russia but the lack of any expression of real interest reflects the Cold War approach to Russia of Western countries.
Original Contents
Original Contents (English Translation)