National Content: Poland

Our sources gave summary that major informations about that events: 1. Particular informations about the fall of Berlin wall and collaps Communist System in Germany, about opening of the border beetwen Eastern and Wstern Germany, and resignation of communist leader Erich Honecker and then, the Reunification decision made by the Eastern Germany Parliament. All that informations were on first pages of our newspapers, starts tv news and so on. 2. Gave some informations about Gorbachev`s policy - "Glasnost" & "Perestroika" which guaranteed that USSR would not intervere with the affairs in Eastern and Central Europe. That was major reason to lack of support to the communist regime in Eastern Germany from USSR. 3. Remind that changes in the whole Europe started in Poland in 1980 with the establishment of Solidarity, and continuated when the round table meeting starts and the election (semi-democratic) in 1989 was done. Poland is considered a former of the changes. In our sources we used rather phases like "the fall of Berlin Wall" or " the first stage of German Unification" or the term: "Jesien Ludow - Autumn of Volk`s (people)" refering to changes (1989) the whole Middle and Eastern Europe and there were no critical voices of what was going on in Germany at that time in polish sources.