National Content: Poland

A conversation between Prime Minister Khrushchev and major Yuri Gagarin

SourceDziennik Ba³tycki, 14.04.1961
Event referred toJury Gagarin: the first man in space
Technological characteristicsType of file: text
Extension: pdf
Dimension of the file: 172 kB
Availability proposed: pdf document with zoom options
Description of the sourceKind of source: Newspaper article
Origin of the source: Archive of the library of the University of Gdansk (PL)
Language: polish
Copyright issues: reproduction and pedagogical exploitation authorized in the framework of the MHM project
Contextualisation of the source"Dziennik Ba³tycki" is a leading local newspaper of pomerania region (Gdañsk). This paper was started in 1945. Article by Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union (Telegrafnoe Agentstvo Sovetskogo Sojuza "TASS") presents phonecall between Soviet Union Prime Minister and first man in space.
Interpretation of the sourceThis article presents phone-call between Prime Minister of USSR Nikita Khrushchev and Yuri Gagarin. Gagarin accents that all technical instruments works correctly and he also is in very good condition. Khrushchev and Gagarin emphasize domination of USSR and socialism system over capitalism.
Original ContentsRozmowa premiera Chruszczowa z majorem Jurijem Gagarinem MOSKWA (PAP). Agencja TASS podaje: Wkrótce po og³oszeniu komunikatu o pomyœlnym dokonaniu pierwszego lotu kosmicznego i wyl¹dowaniu Jurija Gagarina w przewidzianym rejonie, odby³a siê rozmowa telefoniczna miêdzy Nikita Chruszczowem i pierwszym kosmonauta radzieckim. Nast¹pi³o to o godzinie 13 wed³ug czasu moskiewskiego. Pierwszy sekretarz KC KPZR, przewodnicz¹cy Rady Ministrów ZSRR Nikita Chruszczow z nies³abn¹c¹ uwag¹ œledzi³ 12 kwietnia przygotowania i wystrzelenie statku-sputnika „Wostok”, lot pierwszego w œwiecie kosmonauty, obywatela radzieckiego, pilota-komunisty Jurija Gagarina – pioniera opanowania kosmosu. Jurij Gagarin dziêkuje szefowi pañstwa radzieckiego za depeszê gratulacyjn¹. Jestem szczêœliwy, ¿e mogê wam zakomunikowaæ – mówi pilot-kosmonauta – i¿ pierwszy lot kosmiczny zakoñczy³ siê pomyœlnie. Chruszczow jeszcze raz pozdrawia Jurija Gagarina. Swym bohaterskim czynem – mówi on – ws³awiliœcie nasz¹ ojczyznê, przejawiliœcie odwagê i bohaterstwo w wykonaniu tak odpowiedzialnego zadania. Dziêki swemu bohaterskiemu czynowi staliœcie siê nieœmiertelni, poniewa¿ jako pierwszy cz³owiek przedostaliœcie siê do kosmosu. Chruszczow interesuje siê samopoczuciem Gagarina. Czu³em siê dobrze – opowiada pilot. Ca³a aparatura statku kosmicznego dzia³a precyzyjnie. Podczas lotu widzia³em Ziemiê z du¿ej wysokoœci. Widoczne by³y morza, góry, wielkie miasta, rzeki i lasy. Rad bêdê siê spotkaæ z wami w Moskwie – mówi Chruszczow. Wraz z wami, wraz z ca³ym naszym narodem uroczyœcie œwiêciæ bêdziemy ten wielki czyn w opanowaniu kosmosu. Niechaj ca³y œwiat patrzy i widzi, do czego zdolny jest nasz kraj, czego mo¿e dokonaæ nasz wielki naród, nasza nauka radziecka. Niechaj teraz wszystkie kraje nas doœcign¹ – mówi Jurij Gagarin. Chruszczow odpowiada: „S³usznie mówicie, niechaj kraje kapitalistyczne dogoni¹ nasz kraj, który utorowa³ drogê do kosmosu, wysy³aj¹c pierwszego w œwiecie kosmonautê”. Chruszczow mówi, ¿e obok znajduje siê Anastas Mikojan, który prosi o przekazanie serdecznych pozdrowieñ. Jurij Gagarin dziêkuje. Na pytanie szefa rz¹du radzieckiego, czy ¿ona Jurija Gagarina wiedzia³a, ¿e ma on odbyæ lot w kosmos, pilot-kosmonauta odpowiada „tak” Premier prosi o przekazanie serdecznych pozdrowieñ ¿onie i dzieciom pilota-kosmonauty. Chruszczow przekazuje tak¿e pozdrowienia dla ojca i matki Gagarina. „Mog¹ oni byæ dumni ze swojego syna, który dokona³ tak wielkiego czynu” –mówi on. „Dokonaliœcie czynu, który ¿yæ bêdzie wiecznie”. „Do rych³ego spotkania w Moskwie. ¯yczê wam wszystkiego najlepszego” – tymi s³owami koñczy on rozmowê.
Original Contents (English Translation)MOSCOW (PAP). The TASS agency reports: Soon after publishing the announcement about a successful completion of the first space flight and Yuri Gagarin’s landing in the planned region, a phone call took place between Nikita Khrushchev and the first Soviet cosmonaut. It was about 1 p.m. of the Moscow time. The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and chairman of USSR Cabinet, Nikita Khrushchev followed with unabated attention preparations and launching of the ship, the sputnik “Vostok” on 12th April and the flight of the first cosmonaut in the world, a Soviet citizen, a pilot-Communist Yuri Gagarin – the pioneer of space exploration. Yuri Gagarin thanks the chief of the Soviet state for a congratulatory telegram. “I am happy that I can inform you”, the pilot-cosmonaut says, “that the first space flight has been successfully completed”. Khrushchev once again greets Yuri Gagarin. “With your heroic deed”, he says, “you made our motherland famous, you demonstrated courage and heroism in executing such a responsible task. Thanks to your own heroic deed you became immortal, because as the first man you forced your way into space”. Khrushchev is interested in Gagarin’s general state. “I felt fine”, says the pilot. “All the equipment of the spaceship worked accurately. In-flight, I saw the Earth from a large height. One could see the seas, mountains, great cities, rivers and forests”. “I will be glad to meet you in Moscow”, says Khrushchev. “Along with you, along with all our nation, we will solemnly celebrate this great act of conquering space. Let the whole world look and see what our country is capable of, what our great nation and our Soviet science can realize”. “Let now all the countries catch up with us”, adds Yuri Gagarin. Khrushchev replies: “You speak rightly, let the capitalist countries catch up with our country which pioneered the way into space, sending the first cosmonaut in the world”. Khrushchev adds that close by is Anastas Mikoyan who is asking to convey his best regards. Yuri Gagarin thanks. On Soviet prime minister’s question, whether Yuri Gagarin’s wife knew that he was to perform a flight into the space, the pilot-cosmonaut answers “yes”. Prime Minister asks for best regards to be given to the wife and to children of the pilot- cosmonaut. Khrushchev also extends greetings to Gagarin’s father and mother. “They can be proud of their son who accomplished so great an act”, he adds. “You’ve accomplished a deed which will live on eternally”. “Till our early meeting in Moscow. I wish you best of luck”, with these words he concluded the conversation.