National Content: Poland

Analysis of the Sources collected

The historical sources, which include short films, photos, the memories of eyewitnesses of those events and dramatic proclamation of the capital’s president - show us the drama of Warsaw bombarment in Spetember 1939. They present not only the attack of German airforce, airplanes dropping bombs upon the city but also the damage caused by them – the falling buildings, their remains and the big rubble heap that was left from the beautiful and old city. They also picture the suffering and pain of citizens in times of air attacks, but above all the drama just afterwards, resulting from the loss of the closest ones, loss of possesion, loss of freedom and independece of the motherland (relatively recently re-aquired). Especially the interview with the eyewitness – a dramatic relation – also helps us feel the tragedy of those events, the immense fear of civilians and the extent of material destruction.