National Content: Italy

Comparison between the National perspective and the “official” interpretation

The national and the official perspective coincide all the way to September 8th, 1943. After this date the fascists in Italy depict the bombings as an attempt of the enemy to demolish the capability of the civilians to react psychologically and morally, besides destroying the agricultural and industrial wealth of the nation. Following September 8th the division within Italy between the parts occupied by the Germans and those occupied by the Anglo-American multiply and diversify the perspectives. The fascist-republican and the German one amplifies the destructive and terrorist intent of the Anglo-Americans, while the allied forces along with the supporters of the monarchy and of Badoglio insist on the military need for the air-raids in order to liberate the country. This last perspective was the leading one in the decades following the liberation often causing a division between the “official” public memory and the individual and local memories of the events. Only recently, following the developments of the historical research, a new critical view of the event has presented itself. This newer view doesn’t negate the dramatic psychological and social impact for the civilians of some military needs.