National Content: Italy

National Newspapers. “l’Unita’” Paper controlled by the Italian Communist Party, April 12th, 1961. On the first page appears a picture of Gagarin and a title that reads “Comrade Yuri!”. The article highlights the exceptional nature of the event and the victory over space, as well as the role of the URSS as warrant of peace and disarm in the world. “Il Tempo”, Roman paper favouring the right in politics. April 13th 1961, first page, two pictures of Gagarin and a titles that emphasizes the opening of a road toward the discovery of the universe by a “Russian”. The article recalls the “universal” importance of the event, reshaping the role of the URSS and wishing for further competitive developments by the western side of the world. National weekly magazine “L’Espresso”. Supplement to issue number 16, April 16th, 1961. A progressive paper which looks at Gagarin’s normal humanity and the promotion of the scientific education by the soviets.
Video: “The Incom Week”. The video goes over the conquest of space from Icarus to Gagaring, and expresses optimism about the possibilities of conquering space and brotherhood among men.
Oral sources. Two interviews. One of the interviewees was only eleven at the time and remembers the strong impression that the event had on him and the sense of surprise. The child was even perplexed when he heard the news since the culture regarding the conquest of space was so far from his life. Once he realized what had happened he was almost disappointed to see the nature of the Sputnik, so much simpler and banal compared to his fantastic visions of it. Another interviewee remembers that a billboard was posted in town and there were several conferences about the topic.