National Content: Germany

Gagarin - First man in space

SourceNewspaper of the SED (Communist Party of the DDR) in West-Berlin
Event referred to12th April 1961 - Jury Gagarin: the first man in space
Technological characteristicsTIFF picture 264 kb
Description of the sourceThe newspaper report is taken from a newspaper published in West-Berlin but made by the SED the Communist Party of East-Germany (DDR). The report praises the success of the first trip of a human beeing into the space and underlines that this success was reached by peacful Soviet Uniion and not by the exploitative capitalist countries.
Contextualisation of the sourceThe report was published the day after Gagrin's trip into the space.
Interpretation of the sourceThe Soviet Union tried succesfully to be earlier in the space than the United States. This success was considered as a success of a superior political system because the sysetm of the USA was in the view of the Soviet Union based on exploitation of the workers and could have therefore no success in longer term.
Original ContentsPlease read the article.
Original Contents (English Translation)The report praises the success of the first trip of a human beeing into the space and underlines that this success was reached by peacful Soviet Uniion and not by the exploitative capitalist countries. The success is escribed as a success of the political system of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Prime Minister Chruschtschow is quotated under the picture of Gagarin. He sais that Gagarin's success is a new page in the history of humanity on the way into the space. And that the hearts of of all Russian people is filled with a big joy and that they are proud of their socialist country.