National Content: Germany

The terrorist attack at the Olimpic Games in Munich from September 5th 1972 was a catastrophe in several points for West-Germany (BRD): 1. Germany tried to handle the security not to strong to avoid to present themselves as a military or police government. After the Games of 1936 in Nazi-Germany and the World War II the wanted to show theirseves peaceful, relaxed and friendly. Also the Cold War should be overcome because of the participation of the DDR-team. The plan failed. 2. The Palestine terrorist movement "Black September" used this situation and the worlds experience with international terrorism was small. After that event, most of the European States, including West-Germany, founded special antiterrorist units like GSG 9 and developed anti-terror weapons. The discussion of intelligent fight against international terrorism started. 3. The attack created a complex situation because for the Jewish team the participation was hard because of many connections to the holocaust. Now the security of Jewish people in Germany was destroyed.