National Content: United Kingdom

At War with Germany: Britain and France Take Up the Challenge

SourceThe Times, September 4th 1939
Event referred to1st September 1939: Wermacht invasion of Poland
Technological characteristicsText file scanned in
Description of the sourceNewspaper article from microfiche archive held in a library for public use. Copyright remains with the Times.
Contextualisation of the sourceThe Times is regarded as a conservative newspaper. In 1939 the reporting of news items began on page 4 of the paper, with the first three pages given over to family notices and appointments. This article reports on the events of September 3rd 1939, and the British declaration of war against Germany in reaction to the German invasion of Poland.
Interpretation of the sourceThe sense of urgency in this article with regards to British action against Germany was clear. The House of Commons was described as ‘anxious’ at the lack of action being taken and the British resolve to support Poland is clear, as is that of the French. The reporting of the statement by the King adds an extra seriousness to the declaration of war and suggests that the entire country is behind the government in it’s actions. The continued description of Germany’s actions in Poland provide a clear contrast with the calm and collected manner in which war was declared in Britain and the organised manner in which a war cabinet was created. Germany is again clearly portrayed as the aggressor whilst France and Britain are taking on the role of the ‘saviour’ the innocent country, Poland.
Original Contents
Original Contents (English Translation)