National Content: Poland

Analysis of the Sources collected

The sources show us the bravery of Poles. Their hard and steadfast fight during the unfair battle with the agressors. They tell us about their sacrifice and patriotism, which motivated them to fight till the end. Despite the coming defeat they didn’t give up. They showed their bravery and love to their homeland. These sources also contain photos wich were taken in the early days of this tragic Poland’s time, as well as the photos of heroes who have fallen on the 1st of September 1939. These sites also include the speach of S. Starzynski, recorded the day after German tanks have taken over Warsaw. One of the witnesses’ reports requires special attention; he describes his own experiences during those tragic events for Polish nation. These sources are the well of knowledge and help us to understand the situation of Poles in the tragedy wich they lived through that period of time.