National Content: Poland

To present the D –Day, I found two historical sources, on which I based my analysis.Both sources are the articles from newspapers published at that time. The first one it’s an article in „Dzienniku polskim i Dzienniku ¯o³nierza” published in London. The title of this article is „ Tough fights in Normand” – and a subtitle characterized – ally armies are landing all the time – thousands glides are flying with support. The content of the article is quite optimistic for the Allies. It praises achievements of the allies and points out lack of sufficient resistance of the enemy. Faith in own power and convenience of prompt success are the main thoughts in this text.The second text is an article in “Wolna Polska” published in Moscow. The title is: “6th June 1944”. The context of the article is also favourable for the Allies It introduces the fact of the landing in Normand, a short plan of development of the fights on French coast.Interpretation of the Sources