National Content: Poland

Poland had been invaded by Germany for over 4 years before the Allies’ landing. The resistance movement “Home Army”, one of the greatest in the world, was established in the Polish territory. It was ruled by the government abroad, in London. It was clear then that Poland was supposed to be liberated by the Normand Front, which was just being created, not by Balcan Front, as it was thought at the beginning. For the government it was obvious that Russian Army is the one to come and ”free” the country. Due to this fact, The government in London took steps to establish some diplomatic relationship with the USSR, as they were broken at the beginning of the war, and they ordered “Home Army” to support “Red Army” in the fight with the Germans.

Because of a not widely recognized fact that the Polish forces participated In military actions on the allies’ side, including the D- Day operation, there are mentioned a few considerable facto abort it, below. The Polish composed 4 consecutive armies outside the occupied Poland 1. In France in 1939 after Poland’s capitulation according to the decision of the Polish Exile Government in Anger. After France’s capitulation the Brigade of Carpathian Shooters left France to Palestine and other soldiers left to England . 2. In the Great Britain in summer of 1940 (after the defeat and capitulation of France) according to the decision of the Polish Exile Government in London. They fought in Norwegian, England France , Belgium, Netherlands etc. 3. In USSR in 1941 - the Gen. S. Ander’s Army as the effect of the attacking the Soviet Union by Germany and according to the treaty signed 22 June 1941 in London by the Polish Exile Government with Prime Minister W. Sikorski and Soviet Ambassador I. Mayski. The Gen.S.Army left Soviet Union and went through IRAN, Iraq to Palestine, and later fought in the south of Europe (Italy). 4. The Polish Folk Army established in the USSR commanded by Gen. Z. Berling (I Tadeusz Kosciuszko Division) as the effect of Soviet Union policy to organize the Polish Army as the counterweight to the Polish Exile Goverment and its armies. This Army fought by the side of the Soviet Red Army. In the first phase of campaign of the Overlord Operation the Polish shipping units played a very important role. They supported the invasion sources from the water. These were the war ships: “Slazak”, “Krakowiak”, “Dragon” which kept on shooting the coast and “Blyskawica” and “Piorun” which protected the invasion fleet. Thanks to “Slazak” which was commended by commander R. Na³êcz- Tyminski made it possible that the British amphibian with tanks Shermans could reach the beach which was named before the Operation as the British Beach in Normandy-“Sword”. “Slazak” critically reduced the hidden in the nearby forest the German coast battery’s force. What is interesting that many war’s prisoners were forced to fight in Normandy on the German side.