National Content: Italy

Gagarin has only his heart different

SourceWeekly magazine “L’Espresso”. Supplement to n° 16 of April 16th, 1961. The supplement is put among page 12 and page 17, at the centre of the magazine.
Event referred toApril 12th, 1961: Jury Gagarin the first man in space
Technological characteristicsType of file: Text
Extension : pdf
Dimension of the file: 130 kb
Description of the sourceKind of source : Newspaper article
Origin of the source:Library
Language: Italian
Copyright issues: Full availability
Contextualisation of the sourceThe whole four pages supplement is dedicated to the event. The weekly magazine “L’Espresso”, directed by Arrigo Benedetti, was politically collocated at the liberal left wing.
Interpretation of the sourceThe article aims to emphasize the “normality” of the cosmonaut Gagarin, who lived a normal life, as well as his compatriots: he is not a “robot” but a “specialized collaborator”, with the only difference of a heart like an athlete (from 50 to 60 pulsations per minute). The article underlines given by the USSR to the education to the science.
Original ContentsIl maggiore Yuri Gagarin, di anni 27, ha dimostrato che non bisogna essere un uomo straordinario per effettuare un viaggio spaziale. Ha smentito qualunque ipotesi degli scienziati, riguardo ai loro dubbi sulla resistenza umana al lancio, rimanendo lucido e cosciente. Al suo ritorno sarà sottoposto a indagini e controlli per valutare il comportamento del suo organismo a distanza di tempo. L’astronauta era dotato di un fisico d’atleta, si è allenato per un lungo periodo ed ha aperto la strada ai viaggi interplanetari.
Original Contents (English Translation)Major Yuri Gagarin, 27 years old, demonstrated that you don’t need to be an extraordinary man to do a journey in the space. He denied hypothesis made by the scientists, and their doubts on the human resistance to the launch, remaining lucid and aware. Having came back he will be checked up in order to evaluate the behaviour of his organism. The cosmonaut has the physique of an athlete and had trained for a long period before, opening the way to the interplanetary journeys.