National Content: France

RAF’s donation to the French children who suffered from allies’ bombings.

SourceThe daily newspaper « L’Union »-Organe du Comité Départemental de la liberation Nationale- on Thursday 5th October 1944. 1ST year. N°32 This daily was founded in September 1944, while the city of Reims was freed. It is today a regional daily..
Event referred toCity bombing during World War II
Technological characteristicsnone Photo : jpg 1,71Mo
Description of the sourceKind of source: Newspaper article. Origin of the source : Personal Archives Language : French (translated into English) Copyright issues : L’Union
Contextualisation of the sourceOctober 1944. A big part of France has been freed by the allies. Some representatives of the temporary government of the French and resistance commitees replaced the Vichy Authorities. Lots of regional newspapers, stemmed from the Resistance see the light. The French soil has been affected by numerous destructions because of the fights, but also because of the allies’strategic bombings. Vichy’s propaganda has exploited these bombings and their heavy civilian losses in order to make the people turn against the allies.
Interpretation of the sourceThe English that suffered from the bombings of their cities too, mobilize to help the children who have been victims of the air raids. The news is related by the French newspapers. This is in a way a reply to the barbarous war methods that have been denounced by Vichy. England and the unoccupied France recognize the sacrifice made by the civilians to ensure the liberation of the country.
Original ContentsUn don de la RAF aux enfants français qui ont souffert des bombardements alliés. Londres,4 Octobre. Un groupement du personnel féminin et masculin de la Royal Air Force vient de se former dans le but de réunir deux millions de francs, destinés aux enfants français qui ont souffert des bombardements alliés. Ce fond servira également à récompenser les français qui ont risqué leur vie en receuillant des aviateurs britanniques.
Original Contents (English Translation)A gift from the RAF to the French children who have suffered from allies’ bombings. LONDON, 4th October : A grouping of male and female Royal Air Force staff has just set up in order to collect two million Francs intended for the French children who have suffered from allies’ bombings. These funds will also be used to reward the French who risked their lives while taking in British aviators.