National Content: Italy

Fascist anti-aircraft artillery

SourceSanti family (collector in Terni)
Event referred toCity Bombing during world war 2
Technological characteristicsType of file: Image
Extension: .jpg
Dimension of the file: 51 kb
Availability proposed: Popup with zoom options
Description of the sourceKind of source: Image
Origin of the source: Santi private collection
Copyright issues: Full availability
Contextualisation of the sourceThe picture shows the anti-aircraft artillery in defensive action during Allied bombings in 1943 and 1944
Interpretation of the sourceThe file shows how Italy, even after the armistice with the Allied countries signed in Cassibile (Sicily) on September 6th, 1943, was forced to defend itself against Allied bombings, because it was as well occupied by the Germans.
Original Contents
Original Contents (English Translation)