National Content: Italy

Poland (Giornale Luce B158806 of September 27th, 1939)

Event referred toSeptember 1st, 1939: Wehrmacht invasion of Poland
Technological characteristicsType of file: Video
Availability proposed: Streaming
Description of the sourceKind of source: Video of a cine-newsreel
Origin of the source: Website
Language: Italian
Copyright issues: Is only possible (through a free registration) to view the video
To view the video click on the source icon, in the page that opens up just type the code B158806 in the green right column, first white line, then click on the "Invia Ricerca" black button. Then click on the moviefilm like icon. When asked for use login: projectmhm and password: projectmhm and then click on the "Invia dati" black button. Choose your connection and wait for the video to start.
Contextualisation of the sourceThis video exalts the German invasion of Poland.
Interpretation of the sourceEvents are introduced by emphatic terms. The language used by the speaker communicates an idea of the situation in Poland during the invasion. The video is very important because you can understand, by the images and by the sound, the real feelings of Polish people.
Original ContentsIn margine alla Guerra sul fronte orientale: I profughi, trascinati nella ritirata dalle truppe polacche ripieganti di fronte all’irresistibile avanzata dell’esercito tedesco, tornano ai loro villaggi, dove vengono assistiti e rifocillati dai vincitori. Nelle varie città del Corridoio polacco, che alberga milioni di oriundi tedeschi, le truppe del Reich ricevono dovunque entusiastiche accoglienze.
Original Contents (English Translation)In margin of the war in the Eastern front: refugees, dragged in the retreat by Polish troops withdrawing due to the irresistible advance of the German army, come back to their villages, where are assisted and refreshed by the winners. In the various cities of the Polish Corridor, where millions of German-origin live, Reich’s troops receive everywhere an enthusiastic welcome.