National Content: Germany

Bundestag sang Deutschlandlied
Geschafft - Die Mauer ist offen

German Parliament sang National Anthem
We've made it - The wall is open

Bundestag sang Deutschlandlied Geschafft - Die Mauer ist offen German Parliament sang National Anthem We've made it - The wall is open

The source is a typical example of a report in a German boulevard newspaper: big headlines - only few information. The events of the opening of the wall are described in a brief way.

Historische Stunden in Berlin - Gestern war das deutche Volk das glücklichste Volk der Welt

Historical hours in Berlin - Yesterday the German people was the happiest people in the wolrd

Historische Stunden in Berlin - Gestern war das deutche Volk das glücklichste Volk der Welt Historical hours in Berlin - Yesterday the German people was the happiest people in the wolrd

The source is the frontpage of the "Berliner Morgenpost" from the day after the fall of Berlin's Wall. It shows in a big picture people dancing on the Wall where hours ago it was life-threatening to come too close. The fontpage contains 5 articles. The newspaper was edited as a special edition "Extrablatt"

Millionen feierten Wiedersehen - Millions were celebrating a reunion

Millionen feierten Wiedersehen - Millions were celebrating a reunion

The source shows the frontpage of the regional newspaper the monday after the fall of the wall in Berlin. The frontpage contains 5 articles of different lenght.