National Content: Germany

The poster shows twelve people who were accused in the Nuremberg Trial and punished by the death penalty at the end of the trial. The special edition of the "Lüneburger Landzeitung" was published with permission of the Military Governement on 20 November 1945. It informs the German public about this first international court about war crimes, the procedure, the accused and the accusations, the role of the international judges. For many Germans these reports were the first time that they were confronted with the war crimes and the murders in the concentration camps. The caricature was drawn at the beginning of the process and makes clear that most of the accused Nazi-leaders were not willing to take responsibility. An exception can be found in the "Aachener Zeitung" that writes about General von Ohlendorf. He was leader of SIPO and SD, and admitted that he was responsible for killing 90.000 Jewish women, children and men in the Soviet Union. The sources show the difficulties to comprehend this mass murder and the behaviour of the condemned men.