Syntethic Chronology

  • May 14th, 1948: proclamation of the Israel state; only one day later, breaks out the first Arab-Israeli war (first extension of Israel borders)
  • October 29th, 1956: in the days of the “crisis of Suez”, Israeli troops leaded by Moshe Dayan invade the Egypt, taking possession of Gaza and of the Sinai area (second Arab-Israeli war) – the intervention of the United Nations obliges Israeli to withdraw
  • 1964: birth of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO)
  • June 1967: in less than one week, ends the third Arab-Israeli war, called “Six-day war”: Israel occupies the Sinai area, Cis-Jordan, Gaza and the Golan heights
  • February 3rd, 1969: the former al-Fatàh leader, Yasser Arafat, takes the lead of the PLO
  • 1971: in polemic with Arafat’s PLO, is born the terrorist organisation Black September” (the name originates from the bloody repression of the PLO made by the Jordan king Hussein in September 1970)
  • September 5th, 1972: Black September” kills eleven Israeli athletes in the Olympic village in München (die also five Palestinian terrorists and a German policeman)