National Content: Italy

The sources are of two kinds:
Articles from national newspapers. “Il Messagegro”, a moderate and democratic Roman paper: articles dated April 9th and 15th, 1961 (pages 12 and 3). The first one highlights the absurd and monstrous personality of Eichmann and refuses to accept his justifications such as being solely the material executer of his boss’ orders. The second article reaffirms his personal responsibility in contrast with his defence thesis. "l’Avanti!” paper of the Italian socialist party: articles dated April 13th and 26th, 1961 (pages 5 and 6). The first article affirms the legitimity of Israel to have the trial whilst the second one refuses the thesis of Eichmann’s lack of responsibilities and stresses Eichmann’s negative personality traits. “l’Unita’”, paper of the Italian communist party: articles dated April 9th, 1961 and June 2nd, 1962 (pages 1 and 3). The first article denounces the fact that after the Nuremberg trial many of the Nazis who had relevant positions in the army, in politics and in the industry are back in powerful positions. In the second article Eichmann’s execution is defined as “a great democratic act”, reminding that “Nazism is still alive”.
Video “La Settimana Incom”, April 9th and 21st, December 24th 1961. The first one highlights Eichmann’s role in the massacre and believes that his conviction had already been proclaimed by the civil world. The second one generically describes the debate during the trial reminding the public of the concentration camps as well as of the death camps along with the Nazis. The third one shows the death sentence “for crimes against the Jews”.