Syntethic Chronology

  • August 13th, 1961: DDR Government begins to build the Berlin Wall
  • Summer-Autumn 1989: mass-escape from East Germany
  • October 6th, 1989: M. Gorbacev visits East Berlin; E. Honecker promotes reforms
  • November 9th, 1989: East Berlin people begin to destroy the Berlin Wall
  • March 18th 1990: a coalition with a CDU majority wins the elections in the DDR
  • August 31st 1990: the West Germany’s mark is introduced in the DDR; the Einigungvertrag (a re-unification treaty) is signed and comes into force in October 3rd, 1990
  • December 2nd, 1990: first elections in re-unificated Germany; the CDU-CSU coalition leaded by Helmut Kohl, (former West Germany Chancellor, wins)